How Can We Help?
This is the question we have asked thousands of parents this year alone. Parents in need of support and advice on special education rights and laws for their children. They may feel lost, angry or confused, but we are here to help.
For families of children with special needs, their story radically shifts when they first receive a diagnosis for their child. The following years are shaped by finding correct services and ensuring their child maintains needed services throughout their lives. Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) exists to walk alongside families and guide them on how to find the help and answers they need to thrive.
The thing we hear the most? "I wish I would have known about you sooner! Your services have made a huge difference for our child and our family", but we can't reach all those families without you.
How to Contribute
We invite you to help shape a family's path, and it's easier than you think. By following the link below, you can make a one-time donation or make a monthly commitment.
You can also support Pathfinder Services of ND by using AmazonSmile and selecting us as the charitable organization, at no cost! AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
These services are all FREE to the people we serve
With your help, we have established essential parent and family connections delivering direct support services. Our Parent Training and Information Center offers one-on-one advising and supports to parents, youth and professionals. Our Parent Support Providers (PSP) parents are paired with peers who have experienced the Early Intervention process and are offered emotional and professional support.
This year alone, you have helped us to reach more than 27,972 parents and professionals with resources on special education information, processes and services, and have allowed for over 126,885 parents and professionals to access our online resources. Your funding has also allowed us to deliver over 263 hours of training opportunities through webinar and face-to-face events throughout the state of North Dakota. In order to continue to do this, WE NEED YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!
In order to maintain these services for parents, especially in rural areas across the state, we rely on donations from supporters just like you. So when you plan for your annual donation, think about PATHFINDER SERVICES OF ND. There is a family out there needing our services today, and you can make sure that we are there to answer their call.
Thank you for your continued support in helping the families of North Dakota!
If you, or anyone you know would benefit from our services, please forward them to us by calling 701-837-7500, emailing us at, or referring them to our website.